Let’s take a look at Jett’s new digs and check out where the best seats ARE to rock out in the Senate!

The Red Chamber
The Senate is nicknamed “the red chamber” in part because someone accidentally misheard Senators refer to it as “the rad chamber”. Luckily, there was an upholstery sale on red velour at “Fergie’s Fabrics” and the day was saved! If elected, Jett hopes to encourage other Senators to look at renaming the “Red Chamber” the “Thunderdome” so Canadians can maybe see Tina Turner perform live in the Senate.

Big picture? Senate
Look at this place! Beautiful! Clearly the Red Chamber has not yet hosted Gwar! The seats look like they can be easily wiped down so maybe one day?

The Pit
Who doesn’t want to be up front and centre in the Thunderdome?! This is where the action is and the best place to catch a guitar pick or a drumstick from the stage. If it gets wild in the mosh pit, stay cool and don’t lose your shoes!

Speaker’s Throne
The acoustics in the Senate must be totally amazing if there is only one Speaker.

The curved roof creates a resonating echo effect that is great for big ensembles like chamber music, orchestras, or Broken Social Scene!

Speakers Alley
This section is right up near the front. The advantage here are the excellent sight lines. Who doesn’t want to be front row and centre! But if you are late, it is really awkward getting to your seat once the Senators rush the stage!

Senate Side View
This section is the “play it safe” zone. Good sight lines, easy access to the concessions, decent sound. Good choice for first time Senators to get a feel for the room. Pick a back row seat for the best view. Try not to grab a seat in the middle row. No one likes it if you have to go to the bathroom or grab a snack in the middle of the show, especially during a wicked guitar solo!

Backstage Seats
These are commonly known as “the nosebleed seats” – poor sight lines, terrible sound, and you only see the back of the drummer’s head. If you find yourself sitting here, you obviously didn’t line up for tickets early enough or your online cue in the ticket line was no good. But hey, whatever! At least you got into the show. There were only 105 seats appointed!

Keep an eye out for these amazing architectural wonders and potential metal album covers!